Dipping & Soy Sauces
All Natural, No Added Caramel Color, No Added MSG
Available for Purchase Online and in Select Stores

Joyce Chen is pleased to offer Double Black Soy Sauce. It's available online through Famous Foods (see link below), and in select stores. To request that your store carry this product, please download the store request letter, fill it out, and submit it to your store.
Compared to regular soy sauce, which is light in color and saltier tasting, Double Black Soy Sauce creates a bright dark brown color and adds a delicious, deeper unami flavor to dishes. We've followed the strict requirements of Joyce Chen, and created a delicous Double Black Soy Sauce that contains no caramel coloring, no preservatives, no added MSG, and no high fructose corn syrup. It's naturally brewed over 6 months the traditional Asian way. In addition, it's certified Kosher.
Many gourmet chefs stock both light and dark soy sauce in their pantries. This is typical of Chinese cheffs. Now home cooks can do the same, and be prepared to follow a variety of recipes from the Food Network and other sources that feature Double Black Soy Sauce. Joyce Chen Double Black Soy Sauce is recommended for stir fry dishes, and Shanghai slow cooked dishes.
10 fl oz (296ml)
Ingredients: Water, Soybeans, Wheat, Salt
Product of USA
Contains: SOY, WHEAT
Refrigerate after opening.